Welcome Dr. Michael Kim

We are welcoming back Dr. Michael Kim to the lab as he starts his PhD.

Dr. Michael Kim is a trauma surgeon currently pursuing a PhD in medical education. His studies will focus on remediation programs for surgical trainees and the possibility of identifying or screening for candidates in need of remediation.

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Welcome Dr. Kirsten Gjeraa

Kirsten Gjeraa, an MD from Denmark, will be joining us at the Wilson Centre for the next month. She is working on a PhD, looking at the non-technical skills of operative and multi-professional teams in thoracic surgery.

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Welcome Dr. Pierre-Louis Hénaux

Dr. Pierre-Louis Hénaux, a Visiting Scholar from France, will be joining our lab later this summer for a one year period. Dr. Hénaux is a neurosurgeon from Pontchaillou University Hospital and is interested in non-technical competence in surgery.

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Brandon’s last day

The lab is saying farewell to Brandon Girardi as he finishes his Masters in Education. Brandon will be returning to residency in Orthopedic Surgery. He is part of the Surgeon Scientist Training Program.

Brandon’s research was a qualitative assessment of surgical bootcamp training. He completed semi structured interviews of staff, residents and faculty to determine the competencies most valued in junior surgical trainees when starting their clinical duties within the hospital.  The focus is on resident learning, patient safety and the transition from student to resident.

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