Stress in Europe

Sydney will be presenting her latest research on Stress in Surgery at some upcoming conferences in Europe:

Physician Stress, Wellness & Performance: Time for a Holistic Approach?
Rogano. Vienna, Austria. McQueen, S. (Podium)

What Do We Mean by “Stress”?
Reconceptualizing Stress in Surgical Practice.
The Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) Annual Meeting. Vienna, Austria.
McQueen, S., Hammond Mobilio, M., McParland, A., Seemann, N., Sonnadara, R.R. & Moulton, C.A. (E-Poster)

Stress in Surgery.
Health, Care and the Emotions. London, UK.
McQueen, S., Hammond Mobilio, M. & Moulton, C.A. (Oral Panel Presentation)

We wish her good food, fun times and safe travels ahead!


Promising Medical Student Surgery Education Research Award

We are so proud to share that Sydney received the 2019 Promising Medical Student Surgery Education Research Award!

The award is presented annually by the Association for Surgical Education, based on:

  • Enthusiasm for surgery and surgery education research as demonstrated by a leadership role in a course or group related to surgery and surgery education
  • Role in at least one peer-reviewed surgery education manuscript or curricular project
  • Demonstrates the professional characteristics of a future surgery education researcher

Thank you to everyone who participated in the video which was shown at the Awards banquet.

Moulton Lab at ASE Surgical Education Week

The lab attended the Association for Surgical Education‘s annual conference in Chicago April 25-27th, presenting four of our latest research projects and initiatives.

Candlelight Session
The TransfORmation Project: Working together to improve intraoperative safety culture.

Podium Session: Resident Training
Pulled from the Passenger Seat: Resident Engagement in the OR

‘Thinking Out of the Box’ Session
Pre-Operative Planning Modules – A Novel Approach to Teaching and Learning in Surgery

Plenary Session
SOS! Calling Attention to the States of Stress in Surgery.

Thank you to the ASE for the opportunity to share our work and connect with colleagues in the field.

Photo credits: Ralf

DesignTalks at Healthcare Human Factors

Melanie Hammond Mobilio will be speaking at an upcoming DesignTalks at Healthcare Human Factors on Thursday March 21st.

This will be an insightful look into healthcare and medical education research from the experiences of a medical anthropologist. Check out the event info below for more info.

Where should I park my canoe? The anthropologist in healthcare and education research