The Richard K. Reznick Wilson Centre Virtual Research Week 2020 took place October 28-30th. Unlike our usual foray to The Estates at Sunnybrook, we gathered online over three days. The program was stellar as usual and we would like to thank the research day committee for putting together such a well-organized and engaging experience.
This year, we had the opportunity to present three of the lab’s latest work:
Podium Session 1: Old spaces, New Views.
Safe is as safe does: A study of the SSC using a Safety II approach. Melanie Hammond Mobilio, Sydney McQueen, Elise Paradis & Carol-anne Moulton
Podium Session 2: Aiming for Excellence.
Aim for the peak: A scoping Review of Cognitive Flow in Clinical Practice. Stephanie Jiang, Sydney McQueen, Aidan McParland, Melanie Hammond Mobilio & Carol-anne Moulton
Understanding Surgeons’ Experience of Flow. Sydney McQueen, Aidan McParland, Melanie Hammond Mobilio & Carol-anne Moulton
Sydney received the Outstanding Research Paper, Richard Reznick Award for:
McQueen, S., Mobilio, M. H., & Moulton, C. A. (2020). Fractured in surgery: Understanding stress as a holistic and subjective surgeon experience. American journal of surgery, S0002-9610(20)30212-9. Advance online publication.