Lab news

Physician burnout task force

Dr. Carol-anne Moulton was selected as a member of the Physician Burnout Task Force for the Ontario Medical Association (OMA).

This is an exciting opportunity to collaborate with other physicians across the province to address issues of burnout and physician health. The task force is an important initiative to find system solutions to address physician burnout.

DesignTalks at Healthcare Human Factors

Melanie Hammond Mobilio will be speaking at an upcoming DesignTalks at Healthcare Human Factors on Thursday March 21st.

This will be an insightful look into healthcare and medical education research from the experiences of a medical anthropologist. Check out the event info below for more info.

Where should I park my canoe? The anthropologist in healthcare and education research

A heartwarming story

One of our lab members, Adam Shehata, recently started his rotation at Toronto’s Sick Kids Hospital and his story has been featured below

“He started as a tiny preemie at Sick Kids. He beat the odds and now he’s back at the hospital — as a doctor in training” – Toronto Star article by Megan Ogilvie

“RETURNING THE FAVOUR: Preemie saved at Sick Kids now med student” – Toronto Sun interview by Liz Braun


Adam shares his heartwarming story on CBC Radio’s ‘As It Happens’

Image from CBC/Radio-Canada

Wilson Centre research rounds

The surgical safety checklist as myth and ceremony
We presented our latest research with Elise Paradis looking at the Surgical Safety Checklist at the Wilson Centre research rounds. The talk summarized some of the results and data, examining the findings using neo-institutional theory.

Welcome Adam Shehata

We are very excited to have Adam Shehata joining the lab. Adam is a second-year medical student at the University of Toronto. After graduating from Osgoode Hall Law School and articling on Bay Street, Adam was called to the Bar of Ontario. Adam also enjoyed a career as a professional pilot earning his Airline Transport Pilot Licence and Class 1 Flight Instructor Rating where he trained commercial pilots to become flight instructors. He is currently working on team performance in surgical environments at the Wilson Centre.

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Busy brains meeting

Thank you to Dr. Richard Hart and Dr. Vietta Sue Wilson who joined us at a recent lab meeting to discuss the applications of biofeedback and monitoring. We got to see firsthand some live data from our willing participant, and observed brain wave changes in real time. The technology has been used in mental training throughout sports and elite performance.

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New publication in Academic Medicine

Recognizing impression management as an expectation in surgical culture, this study looked at how surgical residents portray an image of confidence and competence. We examine the strategies, motivations, and consequences of impression management in surgical training.

Fake It ‘Til You Make It: Pressures to Measure Up in Surgical Training.

Patel P, Martimianakis MA, Zilbert NR, Mui C, Mobilio MH, Kitto S, Moulton CA.

Acad Med. 2017 Dec 26. [Epub ahead of print].

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JULS article on the surgeon stress study

“By researching the complexity of the human stress response, I learned that, like many things in life, there may be no clear answer that I could simply flip to at the end of a textbook.”

Moses Cook wrote about his experience in the latest issue of the Journal of Undergraduate Life Sciences at UofT. It is dedicated to the surgeon stress study he worked on with Sydney last summer.

Read more about the study in Moses’ article: JULS Spring 2017 Issue

Posted in Lab