Lab news

Reznick Day went virtual this year

The Richard K. Reznick Wilson Centre Virtual Research Week 2020 took place October 28-30th. Unlike our usual foray to The Estates at Sunnybrook, we gathered online over three days. The program was stellar as usual and we would like to thank the research day committee for putting together such a well-organized and engaging experience.

This year, we had the opportunity to present three of the lab’s latest work:

Podium Session 1: Old spaces, New Views.
Safe is as safe does: A study of the SSC using a Safety II approach. Melanie Hammond Mobilio, Sydney McQueen, Elise Paradis & Carol-anne Moulton

Podium Session 2: Aiming for Excellence.
Aim for the peak: A scoping Review of Cognitive Flow in Clinical Practice. Stephanie Jiang, Sydney McQueen, Aidan McParland, Melanie Hammond Mobilio & Carol-anne Moulton

Understanding Surgeons’ Experience of Flow. Sydney McQueen, Aidan McParland, Melanie Hammond Mobilio & Carol-anne Moulton

Sydney received the Outstanding Research Paper, Richard Reznick Award for:
McQueen, S., Mobilio, M. H., & Moulton, C. A. (2020). Fractured in surgery: Understanding stress as a holistic and subjective surgeon experience. American journal of surgery, S0002-9610(20)30212-9. Advance online publication.

Varsity Interview:

Our recent publication, was featured in The Varsity, University of Toronto’s Student Newspaper. The article included an interview with Sydney, one of the co-authors on the paper.

“I think, more and more, we’re really looking at the surgeon as this holistic person, and what really needs to go into that to be that expert-level performer”

Why you want your surgeon to practice mindfulness: U of T lab investigates new ways to train surgeons for the operating table, by Sarah Kronenfeld

Richard Reznick Research Day 2019

Another beautiful day was had at Vaughan Estates where we attended The Richard Reznick Research Day, an annual event by The Wilson Centre.

We had two podium presentations this year:
Reconceptualizing Stress in Surgical Practice
Sydney McQueen, Melanie Hammond Mobilio, Carol-anne Moulton

Thinking Outside the (Check)Box: The Surgical Safety Checklist as Solution To—or Symptom Of—an Overloaded Healthcare System?
Melanie Hammond Mobilio, Elise Paradis, Carol-anne Moulton

We were also very honoured to receive the Wilson Centre Award for Highest Rated Presentation at the Wilson Centre Research Rounds 2018-2019 for the presentation entitled “The Surgical Safety Checklist as Myth and Ceremony” from Carol-anne Moulton, Melanie Hammond-Mobilio, Elise Paradis.

Posted in Lab

New publication in Annals of Surgery

What mental skills do elite trained performers apply to surgery? In this study, we interviewed musicians, athletes and military personnel that have gone on to a career in surgery. We examine what specific mental skills training they received and have successfully applied to their surgical performance.

Mental Skills in Surgery: Lessons Learned from Virtuosos, Olympians, and Military.
Deshauer S, McQueen S, Hammond Mobilio M, Mutabdzic D, Moulton CE. Ann Surg 2019 Aug 28. [Epub ahead of print]
Pubmed, DOI

Stress in Europe

Sydney will be presenting her latest research on Stress in Surgery at some upcoming conferences in Europe:

Physician Stress, Wellness & Performance: Time for a Holistic Approach?
Rogano. Vienna, Austria. McQueen, S. (Podium)

What Do We Mean by “Stress”?
Reconceptualizing Stress in Surgical Practice.
The Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) Annual Meeting. Vienna, Austria.
McQueen, S., Hammond Mobilio, M., McParland, A., Seemann, N., Sonnadara, R.R. & Moulton, C.A. (E-Poster)

Stress in Surgery.
Health, Care and the Emotions. London, UK.
McQueen, S., Hammond Mobilio, M. & Moulton, C.A. (Oral Panel Presentation)

We wish her good food, fun times and safe travels ahead!


Welcome Stephanie!

We are delighted to have Stephanie Jiang joining us in the lab this summer. She will be involved in a few of our new projects. Stephanie is a second-year medical student at Queen’s University. She studied psychology in her undergraduate program, and is currently exploring the topic of identity in aging surgeons and the presence of cognitive flow in healthcare workers. In her free time, she enjoys reading, drawing, and playing the piano.

Posted in Lab

Promising Medical Student Surgery Education Research Award

We are so proud to share that Sydney received the 2019 Promising Medical Student Surgery Education Research Award!

The award is presented annually by the Association for Surgical Education, based on:

  • Enthusiasm for surgery and surgery education research as demonstrated by a leadership role in a course or group related to surgery and surgery education
  • Role in at least one peer-reviewed surgery education manuscript or curricular project
  • Demonstrates the professional characteristics of a future surgery education researcher

Thank you to everyone who participated in the video which was shown at the Awards banquet.

Moulton Lab at ASE Surgical Education Week

The lab attended the Association for Surgical Education‘s annual conference in Chicago April 25-27th, presenting four of our latest research projects and initiatives.

Candlelight Session
The TransfORmation Project: Working together to improve intraoperative safety culture.

Podium Session: Resident Training
Pulled from the Passenger Seat: Resident Engagement in the OR

‘Thinking Out of the Box’ Session
Pre-Operative Planning Modules – A Novel Approach to Teaching and Learning in Surgery

Plenary Session
SOS! Calling Attention to the States of Stress in Surgery.

Thank you to the ASE for the opportunity to share our work and connect with colleagues in the field.

Photo credits: Ralf